Best Hawaiian Christmas Music to Play This Holiday Season

The lyrics of Santa’s Hula describe Santa as wearing “red pants and a coconut hat.” This allows you to imagine a truly uplifting sight of Santa, suit and all, on the beach with a coconut hat.

Santa’s Hula

This song is especially perfect to listen to as you’re decorating your Christmas tree or sprucing up your house. Upbeat and cheerful, you won’t be able to resist the urge to dance along to this bop!

The Merriest Hawaiian Christmas

This rendition of the famous Christmas song “12 Days of Christmas” incorporates commonly given gifts in Hawaii into its lyrics! From four flower leis to five fat Hawaiian pigs to nine pounds of poi, this song is both entertaining and upbeat!

Numbah One Day of Christmas

Described by many as a guilty pleasure Christmas song, this lowkey yet upbeat song is definitively the most popular Hawaiian Christmas song that’s been created.

Mele Kalikimaka

This song is best enjoyed on Christmas Eve with a cup of hot chocolate during a moment of tranquility as you admire the snow outside.

Nu ‘Oli

Put on this upbeat and cheerful song during a rambunctious dinner party or even on Christmas morning! It does an amazing job at capturing the joy and happiness common within holiday events.

Christmas Luau

I’m Coming Home for Christmas hits the listener with feelings of nostalgia and homesickness. Sung by Robi Kahakalau and Jeff Rasmussen, they describe their longing for the island’s pleasant winter weather, and, later, their joyful return to the Hawaiian islands.

I’m Coming Home for Christmas

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